Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Reading Time

In Room 7, we have started a daily reading program where students are given the opportunity to explore books independently and with an adult or peer. Research shows that Reading and storytelling help your child’s development in many ways. These activities promote brain development and imagination, teach your child about language and emotions, and lay the foundations for other literacy skills. 

The books that students are exposed to are simple books that often have a repetitive and predictable pattern. When exploring books, students are read to, have the opportunity to try to identify words and phrases, and are asked comprehension questions like "What do you see?", "Where is the ______?" etc. 

Upcoming Dates:
Thursday March 18th- Student Conferences 4:15-8:00
Friday March  19th- No School
Friday March 19th- Student Conferences 8:00-12:00
Monday March 23rd-Friday March 27th- No School: Spring Break
Monday March 30th- Classes Resume