Sunday, April 26, 2020

Circle Time-April 30th

J is for Jellyfish

Hello Room 7 Families,

I hope you are doing well. Here is the video link for our letter work this week "J is for Jellyfish". This is the last letter in our alphabet exploration. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Circle Time-April 24

Happy Sunday!

This is the video needed for Thursday April 24th's Circle Time. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe and healthy. 

T is for Turkey

Hello CSSI Families!

This is the instructional video needed for our "T is for Turkey" craft. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Update for April 6th.

Hello Room 7 families. We hope you are doing well and staying safe and healthy. Yesterday evening, you would have received your child's personalized learning plan for the week by email. Below is my weekly video, along with highlights of this week's learning plans. 

These are this week's general learning outcomes.

 A sample of our daily schedules:
 Here are some examples of the work we are doing this week. 
Motor Development:

Shape Drawing: Students are asked to draw each shape and practice colouring while staying in the lines. This promotes the continued development of fine motor skills. 

Motor Development Choice Board: Students have the opportunity to choose one of these activities several times throughout the week, again promoting the continued development and progression of fine motor development. 

Movement Songs: Students are asked to participate in movement activities throughout the week to help develop their large motor movements. 

Letter Printing Review: Students are asked to review the following letters (identify each letter, practice making its corresponding sound) and practice printing each letter. 

Letter Identification: Students are asked to identify each letter on the board. Parents are asked to model the corresponding sound, and have students practice verbally forming this sound. 

Name Practice: Students are asked to practice printing their names using the correct letter formation and spacing. 

Sentence Formation: For students who have already mastered printing their name, they are asked to continue practicing simple sentence writing. Using a visual example, students are asked to practice printing the sentence "My name is". 
My name is ____________. 


Number Identification and Printing: Students are asked to identify each number on the board and practice printing the numbers using correct number formation. 

Language and Communication

Music: Students are asked to participate in the following music and movement songs which promote following directions, identifying vocabulary, and using verbal expressions. 

I See Emergent Reader: Using the reader provided, parents are asked to read the book to students. Parents are then asked to support identifying each object in the book modelling the sentence "I see _____". Students are then encouraged to respond to the question "What do you see?" with that sentence. 

We hope everyone has a good week! 
Mrs. Matiece & the CSSI Team

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hello to Room 7 Families

Good Morning Room 7 families,
With the letter I sent home by email yesterday, I don't believe that video link was working. Here is the video that I wanted to share with you. 
Every week, I will be posting a video on the blog outlining our weekly learning plan. In addition, I may have instructional videos that will help students with their learning. 
Again, these are challenging times, but I am looking forward to supporting you in this new learning journey.
Mrs. Matiece