Monday, December 2, 2019

November's Bear Inquiry

In November, students in Room 7 explored bears, including their sources of food, habitat and their hibernation habits. Below are some photos of our exploration. 

Students explored using several art techniques and mediums in order to create bear art projects. 

For the project below, students used oral communication or gestures to indicate two paint colours of their choice. They then used forks to spread the paint, creating a textured effect. We completed these bears by cutting out eyes, noses and ears, each student practicing their individual cutting skills. 

This multi-step project began with students using 4 different water colours to paint a large sheet of paper. We then used our cutting skills to cut out a head, body, arms and legs. Using scrap pieces of black paper, we completed our bears by adding ears, feet, claws, eyes and noses. 

In addition to our art projects, students explored a variety of literature, both fiction and non-fiction to learn about bears. 
Image result for amazing bears book

Image result for the very itchy bear

We also practiced our expressive language skills using the amazing books by Bill Martin and Eric Carle. Students were given the opportunity to explore these books during group story time, partner reading and individual book exploration. 
Image result for brown bear brown bear what do you see
Image result for polar bear what do you see

Image result for panda bear panda bear what do you see

Students explored texture with a wide variety of materials in order to create our large classroom bear. Some of the materials available were: sandpaper, felt, fur, rubber backing, yarn, twine, tissue paper and bark. 

 Our completed project wall.