Friday, October 18, 2019

Name Placemats

To compliment our weekly letter work, students worked on name placemats this week. Each student's placemat contains images of objects that start with the same letter as their name. 

In addition to strengthening fine motor skills by colouring each image, students were encouraged to use their oral communication skills to identify the pictures on their individual placemats. 

For some of the students, we used the images on each placemat to provoke expansion of speech. 
For example: We may ask the question "what do you see?". Students would typically answer with single word answers "robot". We encouraged students to expand their responses to "I see a robot" or "This is a robot".

We can't wait to start using our individualized placemats for snack and lunch time. 

Upcoming Reminders:
Monday October 21st- Picture Day
Tuesday October 22nd- Swimming