Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sentence Writing

Students in Room 7 have begun to print simple sentences using predictable sentence starters. Using the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?" as a starting point, we used the sentence starter "I see a". We first read the book, each student being given the opportunity to orally tell their peers what they see. 

Using visual examples of colour words, animals from the book and sentence frames, students then explored printing simple sentences with varying levels of adult support. 

Expanding on our initial activity, we repeated the same task but used animals from one of our favourite songs "Slippery Fish".

During the week of Valentine's Day, we built upon our previous skills in order to make a classroom book. 

All of the students in Room 7 have done such a wonderful job exploring sentence writing. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Learning About the Letter O

Last week, students in CSSI learned about the letter O. Tasks focused on the letter O were incorporated into our daily activities throughout the week. 

Students first made an octopus craft to put into their letter portfolios. This task required students to listen to verbal instructions and use a visual example in order to complete their octopus craft. 

Using the program "Handwriting Without Tears", students explored using shapes to make the letter O. In addition, they used their fingers to trace and feel the letter O. 

During our daily music and circle times, we would explore songs from Super Simple Songs and Bounce Patrol that reinforced the letter O. 
 Image result for super simple songs letter O
Image result for super simple songs letter O

Image result for bounce patrol songs letter O

Students continued to practice letter formation and identifying "o words" using their understanding of letter sounds. In addition, some students continued to practice labelling their pictures using visual examples. 

We had alot of fun learning about the letter O!

Weekly Reminders:
Wednesday February 12th: Wear Pink and/or Red Day
Thursday February 13th: No School: Teacher's Convention
Friday February 14th: No School: Teacher's Convention
Monday February 17th: No School: Alberta Family Day